Monday, January 14, 2013

Paleo Pumpkin Cinnamon Ice Cream Recipe

It's been unseasonably warm for the last few weeks so we were experimenting with paleo ice cream. We'd sometimes bought the Coconut Milk Ice Cream at the grocery, but after reading all the weird ingredients, home-made is the best way to go. It's easy.

I heated:
 1 can of organic coconut milk
 3 TBSP of honey in a small saucepan on fairly low heat.

In a little bowl, I whisked:
 2 egg yolks.

Then I added a couple TBSPs of the heated coconut and honey mixture to the eggs and stirred, to "temper" them. I added a couple more.... just to be sure. Then I poured the egg mixture back into the pan.

I added 1 TBSP of KerryGold pasture butter and stirred until melted.

I put a lid on the saucepan and put it in the refrigerator intil the mixture was completely cooled.  ( If you are in a raging hurry for this ice cream, you can put the saucepan into a big bowl with ice and water in the bottom.)

I took the saucepan out of the refrigerator and added:
 1/2 cup pumpkin
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice
 1/2 tsp real vanilla
I stirred this up with a big whisk until smooth.

I put the mixture into a Cuisinart ice cream maker and let it run about 16 minutes (you should follow your ice cream maker's directions here.) I transferred it to a container and added 1/4 cup tiny pecan pieces and put in the freezer. (the nuts are optional...)

An hour later, I scooped it out with a cookie scoop and served with a few perfect blackberries!

Now, you would think I would be thinking about summer, but I looked outside and it had started to snow!!!! But, that's ok - it finally looks like January!

You can also just put the mixture into a container in the freezer and stir every 15 minutes, if you don't have an ice cream freezer.... or, you could borrow one, like we did.

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