Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Paleo Cocoa Spoonful

          To start with; nothing was measured.

           I (Jess) put a large spoonful of cashew butter in a ramekin.  To this, I added 1/2 a spoonful of dark cocoa powder, agave nectar, a splash of vanilla, a dash of pumpkin pie spice, and a pinch of cinnamon.  I microwaved this for 15 seconds, stirred, and enjoyed!

It's kind of like fudge. When you are in a big hurry and just need a tiny bit of something a little bit sweet, try this. Almond butter is what we usually do this with. Mom bought cashew butter and Ger wouldn't eat it - he says cashews are poisonous raw and have to be roasted..... but it cost a lot, so mom wants to eat it, then not buy any more!!!!

Daisy tried mind control to get did not work!


  1. Jess made it, and I wrote what she said. The photo of Daisy was so much better than the photo of the fudge - ish stuff on a spoon or in the little ramekin that we couldn't resist using it!
