Showing posts with label Paleo Pork short Ribs for the Crockpot. Slow Cooker Paleo Ribs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paleo Pork short Ribs for the Crockpot. Slow Cooker Paleo Ribs. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Paleo Pork Recipes like Paleo Pork Short Ribs for the Crockpot

Meat in a crock pot made from one of our paleo pork recipes

John Rolins challenged me to come up with this one. I love a good paleo challenge!
Cavewoman brings this meat to the Halloween WOD Party.

So, here's what I did:
I rubbed the inside of my slow cooker with coconut oil.
I diced a large white onion and put it in the bottom of the slow cooker.
I laid out 4 lbs of pork short ribs, country style, and sprinkled them with:
    1/4 tsp red pepper
    1 tsp garlic powder
    1 tsp smoked paprika
    1 tsp smoked sea salt
    1/2 tsp tumeric
    freshly ground black pepper
(if you don't have all these things exactly, improvise! Hickory Bacon flavored salt would work well, too, or Liquid Smoke)

Next, I placed the ribs onto the layer of onion. It was a couple of layers.

In a medium bowl, I stirred up:
1 15 oz can of Muir Glen Organic Tomato Sauce
1 6 oz can of Hunt's Tomato paste with Basil and Garlic (read your labels - you don't want hidden sugar in these cans!)
2 TBSP Colevita Basalmic Vinegar
1/4 cup raw or local honey (agave nectar, if you must...)

I poured this sauce over the ribs and put on the lid. I cooked it on low for 8 hours.
It is beyond the word delicious. It is beyond stupendous. Yes. Now, go make it!