Showing posts with label Layered Fruit Popsicles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Layered Fruit Popsicles. Show all posts

Monday, July 7, 2014

Layered Fruit Popsicles

The Crossfit Kids classes at Crossfit Countdown have been doing a great job this summer and I thought they deserved a treat.   I also figured it was a perfect way to get eleven taste-testers in one place!  After they finished up all that hard work, I helped them out with a cool-down - nine kids plus Cassie and Ger - didn't that turn out just perfect?

So here they are earning their treat:

Here they are enjoying their Layered Fruit Popsicles and identifying the flavors right before they wrote in their journals.

Here's how I made them, in case you want to treat some kids. (big or small)

First, I made sure I had a place in the freezer to put a baking dish.
I put 11 little plastic cups in a baking dish and put a popsicle stick (or craft stick) in each cup. These sticks were on the diagonal, but it didn't matter at all.

I poured some "Limeaid" (fresh lime juice, coconut water, and honey) in each cup, about 1/2 inch. I set the baking dish into the freezer for 30 minutes so that the layer could begin to freeze.

Next, I put frozen peaches, coconut water, (I didn't measure these - just make a good guess) and 1 tsp honey into the food processor and pulsed until smooth.
I took the popsicles out of the freezer and spooned the second layer onto the first layer, pushing it around the stick, until each one had a peach layer about 1/2 inch deep.

I put them back into the freezer for another 1/2 hour.
I rinsed the food processor parts and put it back together. Then I added 8 strawberries, one banana cut into bite-sized pieces, some coconut water and 1 tsp honey.

When the second fruit layer was frozen, I poured the last layer into the cups evenly and put them back into the freezer until time to go WOD.

If you make these, you can cover the tops of the ones you don't eat immediately with plastic wrap. Just poke the stick through the plastic wrap.

You could do lots of other layers, too. The peach layer was guessed as mango by Gavin, which sounds like a great idea to me. Grape juice would look good, too.....