Friday, May 11, 2012

Paleo Ground Chicken Casserole

Feeding Ger Sasser has been a lot of fun this week, since it was leading up to his Central East Regionals, May 11 (TODAY!) - 13. He asked for a casserole with sweet peppers and Gouda cheese! It's rare that he does much cheese.... so this is what I did.

Dice half a white onion and cook a few minutes in a skillet with coconut oil. Add a package of healthy ground chicken and cook til done.

Wash and slice up 4-5 peppers, whatever colors you like. Rub coconut oil on them and cover the bottom of a 9 x 12 cake pan with HALF of the peppers.

Microwave a package of frozen broccoli. Add it to the ground chicken mixture.

Put all of that into the pan on top of the peppers. Add sea salt, freshly ground pepper, and several slices of Gouda cheese.

The last layer is made of the rest of the peppers, rubbed with plenty of coconut oil.  Smash everything down a little, and put into a 350 degree oven for 20-25 minutes.

You might want to make 2 while you're at it - but this recipe is written for one pan


  1. adding cheese isn't paleo

    Sounds delicious, regardless! :)

  2. We don't have a problem with a little grass fed cheese once in a great while. But it is rare. A teeny bit of gouda or KerryGold's grass fed Ballyshannon cheese gives a big taste for a tiny bit of a cheat. It is delicious. I hope you try it!
